Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tilt sucks

At this point I am totally tilted and throwing out money with every shove I make. I feel like I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. Such a terrible feeling when grinding sngs. The worst is that I have been really testy at the tables and probably owe an apology to a couple of players(AcerUT for one). Oh well, nothing I can really do but play through it. I was running well this morning and then things started turning South. I didn't stick to my game plan of playing sets from beginning to end. The higher buyins take so much longer to load it is hard not playing continously. I am still in some games so hopefully it won't all end in disaster today(Just lost 2 more flips in a row)

This is the last hand of the set. I had just made a super common shove and ran QJs into AKs who flopped a flush the hand before. I know I just have to play through this and am glad I only lost $115 this session.

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