Sunday, September 6, 2009

I will win an 80-20 again just not today.

I should have taken those first few hands as an omen of what was to come. 3 losses with big pairs in 80-20s is pretty depressing especially when winning the hands gives you good stacks to make runs. The worst was in the $215 QQ to JJ he rivered the jack. After a day of work I had a min cash in something, not even sure what. I am still in a PLO8 aproaching the money but not a huge stack.

Cash was the bright side of the day again. There is a promotion on Full Tilt where if you play 2 raked tables at a time 25 days this month you get a free $50. I have never been one to turn down free money. I love making the weak river lead here always fun. I have made more money doing that than just about anything else in cash.

Looks like I have a good shot of bubbling the PLO8. I didn't bubble it, finished 10 out of the money instead.

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