Friday, September 4, 2009

Figuring out a horrible poker day

My previous 24 hours of play have been by far my worst ever. I lost with my big pairs and couldn't seem to win the 70-30s and 60-40s where I kept getting my money in ahead.

manhat10ite 180 -$7.2 $22 -26% -$1,296

This is very unusual for me to say the least. The volume is also pretty high, normally I am under 100 games for 24 hours. I am sure this also led to numerous losses. My 2 sets after the sharkscope search were much better going back to 12-13 games mixing $16 and $27 buy ins. A lot of players focus on volume to get VPPs I was doing a little of this since I am so close to supernova, about 3000 points away. This imo is a pretty silly way to lose a grand and hopefully I won't repeat it any time soon.

The good news of the day, my favorite crazy Canadian horse won about $700 for me last night so the day wasn't a total loss.

Today I am going to the Delaware river with my family.

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